There are several critical areas in a flat roof, one of the most important is the roof terminations.
One way of conceptually simplifying the a roof is to look at it as made of of a field (or field areas) and perimeters (or edges) often referred to as terminations. We often refer to these areas as terminations and not just simply edges; because, a roof edge isn't just where it ends, the roof has to be specially treated to end properly so that it does not delaminate, fray, lift, or separate.
Another area of critical importance is the locations of penetrations through the roof. It would be better if there were never any penetrations in a roof system, but especially in flat roofs, there are often several areas where wires, pipe, drains, and even ducts go through the roof deck and the roof membrane.
These areas, both terminations and penetrations become critical because they are the areas where the roof membrane begins and ends. These areas are exposed to pressure of movement in the overall membrane and are not otherwise surrounded by a continuous support framework such as the field of the roof.